We believe in the concept of 'paying it forward'. We love it here and want to pitch in to help replicate this experience for others to come and be a part of what this community has to offer. We believe that is everyone does SOMETHING, nobody has to do EVERYTHING. You don’t need to be a member or on staff to help out around EastLake! Just let us know what areas you might be interested in, and we’ll help you get started!

Volunteer FAQ
What's your greatest area of need?
Great question. But that changes with the seasons - so it feels a bit fruitless to post it as a static part of our website. Lucky for both of us there's a button on our I Want to Volunteer form that says: "Put wherever the need is greatest". So we've got you covered.
How do I volunteer with kids?
Our kids volunteers are some of our favorites because we know how much it takes to volunteer with kids. We conduct mandatory background checks on all Kids volunteers and offer training at all three of our Kids environments.
How do I volunteer with music?
Whether you can sing like Taylor or play guitar like Clapton we'd love to utilize your talents on the EastLake Band. Due to the technical nature of the volunteer position we host tryouts on an on-demand basis. To set up a time for a tryout just select the Band option on the I Want to Volunteer form and one of our band team leads will be in touch
How do I volunteer with students?
Pretty much the same process as what was described in the section to the left, but we bribe you with Mountain Dew and sour gummy worms as an added incentive/bonus.